ForestryWorks is a collaborative effort by the Forest Workforce Training Institute and other partners within the forest industry to develop a pipeline of qualified workers for the logging and wood product manufacturing industries through outreach, education, job training and opportunities, and more.
There’s a greater need than ever before for skilled workers to fill jobs in the forest products industry. Forestry is one of the Southeast's largest industries and growing! The majority of the current workforce in the industry is over 54 years old and jobs in this industry are not ones that are top-of-mind for younger workers. As is true for many industries today, there are many more openings than candidates applying and they have a particular need for younger qualified workers to take the place of the older workers who are approaching retirement. The small ForestryWorks team needed assistance with growing their social media channels to better reach this younger audience but struggled with finding the time to plan, strategize, and post on a consistent basis.
ForestryWorks hired Stamp to develop a Social Media Action Plan (SMAP) to identify and outline who they needed to reach on social media along with the appropriate messaging for each audience. We developed personas and created calendars that showed each persona along with what specific message we wanted to convey, which led to the monthly plans to execute content that resonates.
The younger target audience we desired to reach was active on social media. We were able to target specific areas of the state where there were jobs available with a number of messages educating the target about the industry in general and job opportunities specifically.
Services Delivered
We delivered a Social Media Action Plan along with monthly social media planning calls, content creation, and monitoring. After determining the social channels we would use to target the audiences we needed to reach, we outlined categories of topics that needed to be addressed throughout ForestryWorks' social media presence. Topics included job opportunities, forestry facts about the economic impact of the industry, debunking common myths about the environmental impact of the industry, education on the different types of jobs and skills needed in the forest products industry, and more.
After 1 year of executing our social strategy (with the help of the ForestryWorks team providing knowledge and imagery), we were able to see:
- a 488% increase in impressions on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn
- a 385% increase on post engagements across these channels (likes, comments, shares)
- 1,596% increase in post link clicks that drive users to ForestryWorks.com to learn more.
In addition, website traffic to the ForestryWorks.com homepage, careers page, and job board page are all up 100% or more compared to the same time period prior, with almost 8,000 website users coming from social media platforms alone compared to only 616 users coming from social media in that previous time period.
- Marketing Strategy
- Campaign Development
- Graphic Design
- Digital Marketing
- Search Engine Optimization
- Social Media Audits
- Social Media Listening
- Social Media Management
- Website Development
This campaign received a Bronze Award in the category of Integrated Marketing Campaign at the National Service Industry Advertising Awards.